Welcome to

Harmony At Eleven

An architectural masterpiece meticulously crafted and brought to life by the talented architectural draftsman Kevin Young of Sketchway Studio. This stunning design seamlessly blends modern luxury and contemporary charm with a touch of coastal flair, resulting in a harmonious combination that exudes tranquility, elegance, style, and comfort. This plan incorporates sustainable design features that prioritize both visual appeal and environmental consciousness, making it the ideal space for enjoying the island lifestyle for years to come.




We're the Sealeys (yes, it's LEY), a dynamic duo of tourist-turned-island  enthusiasts! With one of us being a returning national and the other a local food eating legend, we've decided to set down our root in the stunning paradise of Barbados.

So far we've hit the jackpot with our rockstar realtor, legal wizard, and design extraordinaire. Click here to learn more about these powerhouse trio that's bringing us one step closer to our dream retirement house!

The next step is to round up a stellar squad of building and construction wizards, masters at crafting eco-friendly dream homes with a touch of luxurious charm guaranteed to bring joy for years to come. With this dream team leading the charge, we'll be ready to make waves as we set sail on our journey to living the ultimate Caribbean dream!




Kylee Lee Lum 

Real Estate Agent 

Terra Caribbean


Civil Litigation / Conveyancing / Family Law / Personal Injury


Kevin Young

Architectural Designer

Sketchway Studios

Visit Website


Our home design has been confirmed by Town and Country Planning department and boast around 4000 sq. ft. comprising 4 bedrooms and 3 full bathrooms.

  • Front

    Front - view from the south

  • Front Side

    Front side - view from the east

  • Back Side

    Back side - view from the east

  • Back

    Back - view from the north

  • Back Side

    Back side - view from the west


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Let's Make Waves, Shall We?

Join Our Dream Team

Are you or someone you know eager to join us in the exciting new project collaboration? We are seeking a qualified Quantity Surveyor and  building professionals with the requisite skills, experience, and passion to help us move forward with our project. Let's join forces to bring our visions to fruition and  build something truly exceptional!

The Experts

In this section, you will find a list of experts in various fields that with whom we are in communication with or are presently evaluating based on specific criteria

  • Realtors

    Cherita O’dell

    Real Estate Broker

    Barbados Real Estate 246


    Annissa Ram

    Sales & Long Term Rentals Agent

    Caribbean Island Property

    Elville House, Church Point, St. James, Barbados, BB24016

    t: 246.432.5050

     f: 246.432.5051  

    m: 246-230-6501 

     e: annissa@barbadossothebysrealty.com

    Instagram : @annissarealestate     https://www.instagram.com/annissarealestate/

    Maisha Ward

    Office : +1 246-247-2229

    Mobile : +1 246-247-2229

    WhatsApp : +1 246-247-2229

    Email : travel@inspiredbythecaribbean.com

  • Attorneys

     Ms. Claire Amal Lewis

    Year Admitted To Bar: 1993

    Areas of Specialty - Conveyancing, Banking, Contract, Offshore Services, Estate

    Law School Attended Norman Manley 1991-1993 (Jamaica, St. Lucia) 1998 (Barbados)

    "Brigade House"

    The Garrison

    St. Michael


    Tel: 246 538-2556  Fax: 246 538-2557

    Cell phone: 246-233-7965

    E-mail: calewis@lewislawchambers.com

    Ryan Moseley Partner

    "Penrith" 11th Ave Bellville

    St.Michael, Barbados

    Work : +1 246 436 - 3950

    Cell : +1 246 - 231- 4220 

    Email : Ryan@moseleypersaud.com

  • Shipping Companies

    Tropical Shipping

    Shipping service in Kearny, New Jersey

    Service options: Onsite services

    1200 Newark Tpke, Kearny, NJ 07032

    Hours:  8AM -  3 PM

    Phone: (201) 246-7740

    Service Reference Guide



    28 Stone Castle Road

    Rock Tavern NY 12575

    United States

    Phone: 718-656-8356

    BDL - 3


    C/O Forward Air

    Windsor Locks CT 06096

    United States

    Phone: 718-656-8356

  • Insurance / Brokers

  • Quantity Surveyor

    Emerson Webster 

    (246) 434-6734

  • Designers/Engineers/Contractors/Others

    Sketchway Studios

    Kevin Young (Draughtsman, Designer)

     Barbados , West Indies

    E: sketchwaystudios@gmail.com

    T or Whatsapp: 246-263-0198

    FB: www.facebook.com/sketchwaystudios

    Atlantic Engineering Inc. 

    Provides services in structural engineering and civil engineering.

    Durants, Christ Church, Barbados

    E: cbellamy@atlanticengineeringbarbados.com

    P: (246) 228-7252

    Dale Franklyn

    DKF Construction

    P: (246) 284-8250

    Building Renovations - Home Improvements - Small Projects

    Social: Instagram , Facebook

    Rudolph / Rudy Sealy

    RRS Designs & Build LTD

    P: (246) 253 4660

    Winslow Tate

    (246) 84109877

    Juan Martinez

    Russell Armstrong

    Jan Hurley

    E: jmartinez@mhds-bb.com

  • Full Service Builders

    Studio Blue Architects

    Neil Hutchinson, B.A (hons), Dip. Arch, RIBA, BIA Management Director

    PO Box 25


    Christ Church

    Barbados / BB 15130

    E: info@studiobluearchitects.com


    Whatsapp: 246-826-2583

    SKYPE: studio-blue-architects

    M Plus Architure

    Marco De Bortoli, Director 

    #4b Dolphin Court, The Garrison,

    St. Michael, Barbados W.I. – BB14038

     M: +1-246-823 1408

    Skype: marco_de_bortoli


    Vicki Telford Architects Inc

    Vicki S. Telford, B. Arch, MBC, RA, BIA Director, Principal Architect & Project Manager

    Letchworth House Annex - Suite #1

    The Garrison, St. Michael

    T: (246) 427-8108 

    F: (246) 228-7456

    E: architect@vtabarbados.com

    Blue Print Management

    Project Management, Architectural and Interior Services, and Procurement.

    Tel: 1 (246) 573-8858

    Email info@blueprintbarbados.com

    2nd Floor, Hastings Financial Centre

    Hastings, Christ Church

    Barbados BB 15154

    GSA  (Gillespie & Steel Associates Ltd.)

    Architecture, Interior Designs, and Master Planning.

    Dormers, Prior Park, St. James Barbados WI  Tel (246) 425 - 1356

Government + NGO Contacts

Directory of Barbados Government and Non-Government Agencies, Departments & Services.

  • Government Agencies, Departments & Services

    Architects Registration Board (ARB)

    C/O Ministry of Transport, Works 

    and Water Resources

    Pine East-West Boulevard

    The Pine, St Michael

    Tel: (246) 536-0101

    Barbados Fire Service Headquarters

    Level 5 General Post Office Building

    Cheapside, Bridgetown

    Tel: (246) 535-7800

    Fax: (246) 435-0794

    Barbados National Standards Institution (BNSI)

    Ministry of Small Business, Entrepreneurship

    and Commerce

    Small Business Centre

    Fontabelle, St. Michael


    PBX: (246) 426-3870

    Tel: (246) 426-3871

          (246) 426-3873

          (246) 426-38-78

    Fax: (246) 436-1495

    Email: office@bnsi.com.bb

    Barbados Water Authority (BWA)

    Pine Commercial Estate

    The Pine, St Michael

    Tel: (246) 434-4200

    Fax: (246) 228-0155

    Email: customercare@bwa.gov.bb

    Coastal Zone Management Unit (CZMU)

    8th Floor, Warrens Tower II, Warrens

    St Michael BB12001

    Tel: (246) 535-5700

    Fax: (246) 535-5741

    Email: info@coastal.gov.bb

    Department of Emergency Management

    #30 Warrens Industrial Park

    Warrens, St. Michael

    Tel: (246) 438-7575

    Fax: (246) 421-8612

    Email: deminfo@barbados.gov.bb

    Electrical Engineering Department

    Verona House,

    Bank Hall Main Road

    St. Michael

    Tel: (246) 535-7102 or 535-7103

    Fax: (246) 426-9238

    • Chief Electrical Officer: (246) 535-7105
    • Deputy Chief Electrical Officer: (246) 535-7106
    • Chief Electrical Inspector : (246) 535-7107
    • Maintenance Supervisor : (246) 535-7108

    Engineers Registration Board (ERB)

    Christie Building, The Garrison

    St Michael BB 14038

    Tel: (246) 243-4779

    Email: erb@caribsurf.com

    Environmental Protection Department

    Ministry of Environment and National Beautification

    L V Harcourt Lewis Building

    Dalkeith, St. Michael

    Tel: (246) 535-4600

    Chief Building Department Officer

    Tel: (246) 535-4604

    Fax: (246)228-7103

    Email: epd.secretary@epd.gov.bb

    Fair Trading Commission (FTC)

    Good Hope

    Green Hill, St Michael

    Tel: (246) 424-0260

    Fax: (246) 424-0300

    Email: info@ftc.gov.bb

    Lands & Survey Department 

    Ground Floor East

    Warrens Office Complex

    Warrens, St. Michael

    Tel: (246) 310-2000

    Fax: (246) 424-2310

    Email: lsdept@babrbados.gov.bb

    Planning and Development Department

    Warrens Office Complex

    Warrens, St. Michael

    TelPBX:  (246) 535-3000

    Director of Planning: (246) 535-3070

    Deputy Director of Planning: (246) 535-3080

    Customer Service: (246) 535-3025 or 3027

    Email: contact@planning.gov.bb

    Ministry of Transport, Works and Water Resources

    The Pine, St. Michael

    PBX: (246) 536-0000

    Building Unit

    Tel: (246) 536-0194

    Fax: (246) 426-9706

    Senior Building officer

    Tel: (246) 536-0188

    Fax: (246) 426-9706

    Barbados Building Standards Authority (BSA)

    Director Tel: (246) 536-0196

                        (246) 536-0197

                 Fax: (246) 427-5078

  • Associations

    Barbados Association of Architectural Technologists

    c/o Interior Design Group

    White Hall Road, St. Michael

    Tel: (246) 425-2695

    Email: baat2003@gmail.com

    Barbados Association of Professional Engineers (BAPE)

    Christie Building, The Garrison

    St Michael BB 14038

    Tel: (246) 429-6105

    Email: engineers@caribsurf.com

    Barbados Association of Quantity Surveyors

    c/o Henry L. Taylor Associates Ltd


    Corner Hoytes and Government Hill, 

    St. Michael

    Tel: (246) 228-1578

    Fax: (246) 426-0774

    Email: hentay@caribsurf.com

    Barbados Land Surveyors Association

    c/o Mr. Andrew Weeks

    Penrith, 11th Avenue Belleville, St. Michael

    Tel: (246) 427-7019

    Barbados Real Estate and Valuers Association

    P. O. Box 130 Worthing , Christ Church

    Tel: (246) 624-1811/836-0650

    Email: info@beavainc.com

    Barbados Town Planning Society

    c/o Richard Gill Associates Ltd

    Prior Park House, St. James

    Tel: (246) 425-1488/9

    Fax: (246) 421-7638

    Email: barbadostownplanningsociety@gmail.com

  • Non-Governmental

    Barbados Light & Power Company Limited

    Garrison, St. Michael

    Tel: 626-1800

    Fax: 228-1396

    Email: customerservice@blpc.com.bb

    Barbados Coalition of Service Industries (BCSI)

    Building #3 Unit 2B,

    Harbour Industrial Estate

    St. Michael

    Tel: (246) 429-5357

    Fax: (246) 429-5352

    Email: info@bcsi.org.bb

  • Regional Associations


    Common Wealth Association of Architects

    Website: http://www.comarchitect.org/


    Federation of Caribbean Association of Architects

    Website: https://www.facebook.com/fcaainfo/

    Antigua & Barbuda

    Antigua & Barbuda Institute of Architects

    P.O. Box 2844 - St. John’s, Antigua, W.I.

    Email: admin@instituteofarchitectsab.com

    Website: https://instituteofarchitectsab.com 

    Council of Architects of Antigua & Barbuda

    P.O. Box 2844 - St. John’s, Antigua, W.I.

    Website: efa@candw.ag


    Institute of Bahamian Architects

    P O  Box 3187 Nassau Bahamas

    Email: baharchitect2015@gmail.com

    Website: https://www.ibabahamas.org/ibahistory.php

    Professional Architects Board

    P O Box C B 13040 Nassau Bahamas

    Email: bdmanager@coralwave.com


    Association of Professional Architects of Belize

    #10 Taiwan Street, Belize City, Belize

    Email: belizearchitects@gmail.com

    Website: https://www.architectsofbelize.com/



    Hanover St, Roseau, Dominica

    Email: president@architectsdominica.org

    Website: architectsdominica.org


    Grenada Society of Architects

    Sherbourne House, Sunset Drive, St. Georges

    Tel: (473) 404 9220

    Email: mjohannatamar@gmail.com

    Website: https://www.buildgrenada.com/architects.html


    Guyana Institute of Architects

    C/o 150 Crown Street, Queenstown,

    Georgetown, GUYANA.

    Email: rjaincorp@yahoo.com

    Website: https://guyanabusiness.biz/pages/details.php?comId=3577


    Jamaican Institute of Architects

    Office No. 1, Ground Floor

    Incorporated Masterbuilders Building

    5 Oxford Park Avenue, Kingston

    Email: jiapresident2021.ja@gmail.com

    Architects Registration Board of Jamaica

    Office No. 1, Ground Floor

    Incorporated Masterbuilders Building

    5 Oxford Park Avenue

    Kingston 5


    Caribbean School of Architects

    University of Technology Jamaica

    237 Old Hope Road, Kingston 6

    Email: jtlawton@utech.edu.jm

    Website: https://www.utech.edu.jm/

    St. Kitts & Nevis

    St. Kitts and Nevis Institute of Architects

    P O Box 519, Bassaterre, St Kitts and Nevis

    Email: djcf_architect@outlook.com>

    St. Lucia

    Saint Lucia Institute of Architects

    Email: slia-slu@gmail.com



    Trinidad & Tobago

    Trinidad and Tobago Institute of Architects

    Email: president@ttia-architects.org

    Board of Architecture of Trinidad and Tobago

    19 Stanmore Avenue

    Port of Spain | Trinidad & Tobago


    St. Vincent & The Grenadines

    St Vincent & the Grenadines Institute of Architects

    POBox 1181 , Kingstown, St  Vincent and the Grenadines

    Email: calvertb@hotmail.co

    Website: https://www.comarchitect.org/st-vincent-the-grenadines/

Learn About Barbados

Barbados, a Caribbean island, offers stunning beauty, vibrant culture, rich history, pristine beaches, crystal-clear waters, and year round sunshine.

  • A Brief History

    Barbados, located in the eastern Caribbean, has a rich and diverse history. Originally inhabited by indigenous peoples such as the Arawaks and Caribs, the island was later claimed by the Portuguese in the 16th century. However, it was the English who established the first permanent settlement in 1627, leading to centuries of British colonial rule. Barbados became a center of the Atlantic slave trade, with enslaved Africans brought to work on sugar plantations, shaping the island's economy and society. The abolition of slavery in 1834 marked a significant turning point, leading to a transition to a plantation-based economy dependent on indentured laborers from India. Barbados gained independence from Britain in 1966, becoming a sovereign nation within the Commonwealth. Today, its history is reflected in its diverse cultural heritage, from its colonial architecture to its vibrant music and festivals, making it a fascinating destination for visitors and scholars alike.

  • The Facts

    Population: About 303,000

    Geography: Barbados is a small island with a length of 21 miles (34km) and a breadth of 14 miles (23km) at its broadest point. The island's terrain is relatively flat, with some small hills.

    Capital city: Bridgetown - largest city, cultural and commercial hub.

    Climate in Barbados: Temperatures range from 68°F to 86°F with rainy season (June-Nov) and dry season (Dec-May). High humidity all year.

    Economy: Relies on agriculture, especially sugar, rum, and molasses exports, as well as tourism and offshore financial services. Job opportunities are competitive, with a preference for locals.

    Cost of living: Cost of living is, on average, 8.2% higher than in US. Budget for imported goods. Choose eco friendly smart housing. Check utility costs. Shop local for savings. Use public transport or consider car expenses.

    Healthcare: The island offers excellent healthcare options, including private and public facilities. 

    Transport and driving: Cars drive on the left-hand side of the road. The island's compact size makes it easy to get around. Public transport, such as minivans, buses and taxis, is available.

    Neighbouring countries: Barbados is an island in the eastern part of the Caribbean Sea. Nearby islands include St Lucia, Puerto Rico, Martinique and Trinidad and Tobago.

    Geography: Barbados is a small island with a length of 21 miles (34km) and a breadth of 14 miles (23km) at its broadest point. The island's terrain is relatively flat, with some small hills.

    Political system: Parliamentary constitutional monarchy

    Main languages: English and Bajan (a local English dialect which can nevertheless be difficult for even native English speakers to understand).

    Money: The Barbadian Dollar (BBD) is divided into 100 cents.

    Time: GMT-4

    Electricity: 110 V, 50 Hz. 'Type A' two-prong and 'type B' three-prong plugs are used.

    Internet domain: .bb

    International dialling code: +1 246

    Emergency contacts: 511 (ambulance), 311 (fire), 211 (police)

  • Fun Facts

    These fun facts offer just a glimpse into the rich history, culture, and natural wonders of Barbados:

    • Birthplace of Rum: Barbados is often referred to as the birthplace of rum. The island has a long history of rum production dating back to the 17th century, and today, visitors can explore rum distilleries and enjoy tastings of the island's famous spirit.
    • George Washington's Barbados Visit: In 1751, a young George Washington visited Barbados with his ailing brother, Lawrence. This trip is believed to have influenced Washington's later political career, as he was exposed to British military and political structures during his stay.
    • UNESCO World Heritage Site: Historic Bridgetown and its Garrison, a well-preserved colonial area in Barbados, has been designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2011. It's recognized for its significance in British colonial history and its well-maintained forts and buildings.
    • Flying Fish: The flying fish is the national fish of Barbados and a symbol of the island's culture. These fish are known for their ability to glide over water, and they're also a staple in Bajan cuisine, often served fried or in a savory dish called "cou-cou and flying fish."
    • Harrison's Cave: One of Barbados' top attractions is Harrison's Cave, a breathtaking limestone cave system located in the central uplands of the island. Visitors can take tram tours through the cave to marvel at its stunning stalactites, stalagmites, and underground streams.
    • Crop Over Festival: Barbados' biggest cultural event is the Crop Over Festival, which dates back to the 1780s when sugar cane was harvested. Today, it's a vibrant celebration featuring colorful costumes, music, dancing, and street parties, culminating in a grand carnival parade.
    • Green Monkeys: Barbados is home to the green monkey, which is found nowhere else in the world outside of West Africa. These monkeys were introduced to the island by early settlers and have since thrived in Barbados' lush forests and countryside.
  • Bajan Dialect

    Here is a list of popular Barbadian dialect words and phrases:

    These words and phrases are commonly used in Barbados and reflect the island's unique linguistic and cultural heritage.

    "Bajan" - A person from Barbados or something related to Barbados

    "Lime" - To hang out or socialize

    "Wunna" - You all (plural)

    "Ting" - Thing

    "Ole" - Old

    "Braff" - A large and lively party or celebration

    "Gaff" - House or home

    "Wuk" - Work

    "Wuk up" - style of dancing characterized by gyrating the waist and hips in a provocative or energetic manner.

    "Pickeny" - Child or children

    "Lef" - Leave or depart

    "Cut eye" - To give a disapproving or scornful look

    "Hot sun" - Very sunny weather

    "Breadfruit" - A popular Caribbean fruit, often used in cooking

    "Conkies" - Traditional Barbadian cornmeal and coconut dessert

    "Zouk" - A style of Caribbean music and dance

    to be continued...

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